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Wise words From Another Coach

Shawn Myszka is a coach I have followed for some time and really look up to. Every time he posts something I find nothing but value, EVERY-TIME it seems. While this is just a simple FB post it speaks of highly valuable information for all athletes.

“On page 160 of Bruce Lee’s Tao of Jeet Kune Do he states, “the essence of fighting is the art of moving.” To me, American football is a form of fighting/combat…controlled chaotic stimuli of a similar sort as martial arts. Yet I find it interesting that the majority of American football physical preparation coaches (i.e. S&C) as well as the position coaches choose to look on either extreme end of their respective spectrum (general motor abilities for the S&C or the tactical-strategic abilities for position coach)….yet, the thing that links those two things and that athlete to the battle is his display of movement. ‪#‎MovementCoachMovement‬”

“And of course, let us not forget that Siff/Verkhoshanksy also stated in Supertraining. “the essence of sport competition activity lies in the movements of the human body.” Eerily similar thoughts from masters in each of their respective disciplines.”

Movement is our ticket to better health. Better nutrients, real food, proper breathing, all enhance our ability to move. As we enhance our ability to move with precision and pose we set ourselves up to better solve physical tasks in our sport/life. Respect movement, chase perfection in movement, then live a long life enjoying the movement you’ve honed.

Train smarter – not harder,


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